Tragicomic Fiction Author

Indie Authors World Tour

Over the coming months, I’m hosting an Indie Authors World Tour and posting interviews with members of a group of authors I’ve connected with online.


The featured authors hail from all over the globe and write in a wide variety of genres, so there should be something and someone to suit everyone’s tastes, whatever they might be. The interview schedule is as follows:


March’s interview is with Vince Rockston, an author who grew up on the island of Jersey and now lives in the Swiss countryside. He writes historical fiction with strong Christian themes.


April’s interview is with Amir Lane a supernatural and urban fantasy writer from Sudbury, Ontario, in Canada.


May’s interview is with Francisco Cordoba, a reclusive author who lives in an old farmhouse and writes about romance, relationships, adventures and sex.


June’s interview is with Canadian author, C.D. Gallant-King. He writes comic fantasy and horror about horrible people trying to be heroic in hilarious ways.


August’s interview is with Jocelynn Babcock, an author of supernatural thrillers.


October’s interview is with M.D. Neu, an author who lives in San Jose, California, and writes paranormal fiction and science fiction.

I’m looking forward to getting to know these writers a little better and discovering more about their writing over the course of the year. If you have any questions about the featured authors or their interviews, please leave a comment and I’ll do my best to answer them.


What Friends Are For

A gritty and engaging story of human faults, fears, and frailty, What Friends Are For is the prequel short story to my tragicomic novel, Taking the Plunge. Introduce yourself to the characters from the novel and find out where it all begins for Kate, Tracy, Evan and Lawrence.



  1. greyowl

    Sound like a great idea!

    • J.B. Reynolds

      Yes, I’m really looking forward to it.

  2. MDNeu

    Looking forward to the interview.

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